When is palliative care needed?
We believe that everyone struggling with a serious illness or approaching the end of life deserves high-quality care that enables them to live as comfortably as possible.
That’s why we offer palliative care – specialised medical support that focuses on relieving distressing symptoms, managing pain, and providing both psychological and spiritual support.
If you’re wondering ‘when is palliative care needed’, read on. In this post, we’ll provide helpful information on palliative care in Chadwell Health, Romford in the hope that it will ease some of the stress and discomfort during this difficult time.
What is palliative care?
Palliative care is specialised care provided to people with serious or life-limiting conditions. Unlike end of life care, palliative care does not necessarily mean that a person is likely to pass away soon. However, a person with a terminal illness can receive the care, support, and treatment they need to live as comfortably as possible with the time they have left.
The goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for a person with an illness and give peace of mind to their family. We do this by providing a peaceful, caring environment that offers physical, spiritual and emotional support.
The benefits of palliative care
Palliative care provides a host of benefits, not only to the person receiving the care but also to their family who are involved. As specialists in palliative care, our team is fully equipped to help manage your loved one’s distressing symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea and loss of appetite. We can also help find relief from depression, difficulty sleeping and shortness of breath.
In addition, our registered manager leads all carers in ‘death, dying and bereavement’ training which enables them to help your loved one feel as comfortable as possible. Our high standard of care can improve their quality of life and give them the strength and emotional support to cope and carry on with day-to-day life.
For family members, palliative care reduces feelings of overwhelm and stress. Knowing that your loved one is in good hands, can provide much-needed peace of mind and lead to improved mental health.
Planning ahead: when is palliative care needed?
There is no definitive answer to this question as we believe that every person is entitled to choose when and where they want to receive care. Therefore, the timeframe for palliative care is broad. Choosing when to begin palliative care is entirely dependent on your loved one’s individual needs, lifestyle and circumstances.
That being said, it’s important to note that palliative care is not just for the end of life. Our ‘home away from home’ offers support early in an illness or towards the end of life. Whatever you decide, our palliative care team is dedicated to making sure your loved one feels as comfortable, happy and cared for as possible.
Get in touch
We understand that palliative care may be an uncomfortable or sensitive subject. If you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch or call us on 0800 999 8499. Our knowledgeable and supportive staff are more than willing to address any of your concerns and provide as much support as you need during this time.